Inter-professional student-run primary CARE clinics:
A University-Health sector (Enterprise) Knowledge Triangle Cooperation Approach

Critical path method (CPM) is a step-by-step methodology used in this project to ensure the sustianability. CPM is based on the different interdependent activities.
It contains a list of activities and uses a work-package (WPs) and work- breakdown structure (WBS) and a timeline to complete, as well as dependencies, milestones, and deliverables.
It outlines critical and noncritical activities by calculating the “longest” (on the critical path) and “shortest” (float) time to complete tasks to determine which activities are critical and which are not.
We will assure that key staff involved in the project have experience and expertise in areas related to the activities.
The project will involves non-academic partners (enterprises and associate partner hospitals) which will participate in the project and the roles and responsibilities of the participants are clear and well linked to the work phases and work packages.
The main missions are achieved. The projct Created significant, multi-faceted impact at PARTNER INSTIUTIONS, and at Lebanese and Egyptian levels, transforming healthcare education, research, and community engagement at partner institutions and beyond. The project introduced inter-professional education and training models into health sciences programs, enhancing the quality and relevance of curricula. In addition, it enhanced the skills of faculty members and students at BAU through training workshops and knowledge exchange with international partners. The
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