Inter-professional student-run primary CARE clinics:
A University-Health sector (Enterprise) Knowledge Triangle Cooperation Approach

Our ICARE project highlights insights and innovations related to different aspects of SRCs, from clinic models to quality improvement to ethics and beyond. It is a nexus of inter-clinic and inter-disciplinary engagement and collaboration through shared participation in all medical and healthcare levels in associated institutions every where.

Wellcome to I CARE

Dr. Prof. Mosad Zineldin
Executive Manager of the I CARE- Student-Led Clinics in Primary Care

What is an inter-professional student-run clinic (IPSC)?
An IPSC is an unit of multidisciplinary and professional groups that provides assistance at low cost and sometimes no cost to those in specific societies that may not otherwise be able to afford such treatments and services. These clinics are staffed by volunteers and non volunteers seeking opportunities to improve their skills and provide assistance (medical care, healthcare assistance, social work, etc.) to populations such as the uninsured and homeless while simultaneously enriching their education with real-life patient interaction.
The socioeconomic disadvantaged group is one of the main identified target groups for this project
The main and direct target groups of this I CARE project are:
T1: Students at medical and healthcare science schools at the partner universities
T2: Some socioeconomically Disadvantaged groups
T3: Academic staff
T4: Non-academic staff
T5: Enterprises (hospital, health care centers, individual clinics) and its employees
In addition to non-direct target stakeholders such as ministry of higher education and ministry of health, patients organizations, family of the patients and students (society), etc.
Dr. Prof. Mosad Zineldin
Executive Manager of the I CARE- Student-Led Clinics in Primary Care

Dr. Mohamed Abou Akkada

Prof. Dr. Mosad Zineldin & Prof. Dr. Yousry El-Khradely